Ghost Hunt Revisit EVPs Undisclosed Location
Ghost Hunt Revisit EVPs Undisclosed Location
This video is from early 2011, and is named Ghost Hunt Revisit EVPs Undisclosed Location. The original description: We went back to a previous undisclosed location for a ghost hunt paranormal ghost hunt and caught evp after evp. This is only a small fraction of the footage we took, and only a portion of the evps we caught this night. We also had equipment malfunctions, batteries being drained for no explainable reason, and some audible anomalies. This place is haunted, no doubt.
3-09-2015- the location has been torn down in the intervening years. Probably a good idea, as each time we saw it there was more and more vandalism damage.
This video was originally uploaded to YouTube (YT) and Life After Living (LAL) on February 6th, 2011. The YT version has had 191 views at this writing, the LAL version has had 1768 views. We are using the YT version now on LAL in order to reduce server bandwidth and delivery speed.