Oman House Seance Audio 3-13-15
Oman House Seance Audio 3-13-15 21:46-22:52
This is the full 1 hour and 5 minute recording of the Oman House Seance 3-13-15 2146-2252. That means 3-12015 9:46 PM to 10:52 PM. This is the complete unedited, raw recording from this night, saved in 128k CD quality. We also have the master copy which is much higher in quality, however 128k ought to do find for anyone wanting to search through the recording themselves, and to verify that which we found is in fact present in the whole.
We found nothing important after the 55:10 mark, and we found nothing before the 6:45 mark, although you’re welcome to peruse these areas. In the remainder there were possibly 6 different voices pop up that to the best of our knowledge were not attendees. This has to do largely with matching voices and tracking them, and context of what is said.
We cataloged 21 different possible spirit EVP recordings is this recording, and one only makes sense when it is played backwards.
Oddly when somebody asked about their dog, we did get a dog barking on the recording. Possibly one of David’s dogs?
We will post the individual EVPs shortly.